Global Partners Junior (GPJ) is an award-winning online exchange program that connects nearly 3,000 youth around the world annually. Using an online platform and original curriculum, more than 1,000 underserved NYC students ages 9-13 communicate with peers in cities around the world. Students form powerful connections with their counterparts from diverse cultural backgrounds and learn to think beyond themselves as they partner with global classrooms to brainstorm strategies for making lasting changes in their communities. Past curriculum themes include environmental sustainability, creative writing, theather arts, and international business.
21st Century Skills
Project‐based learning and online communications reinforce vital literacy and critical-thinking skills while building students’ identities as global citizens. Not only do these activities enhance students’ curiosity about the world and respect for cultural diversity, but also develop participants’ positive sense of community and ability to become ambassadors for their city. Students use technology to communicate ideas to diverse audiences as they learn to use word-processing programs, digital design, and video editing software.

Global Connections
Now in its twelfth year, the program has operated in 53 cities around the world, from Beijing to Mumbai; Lima to Moscow. In New York City, GPJ is offered in public schools and after-school programs, which are operated by the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, the New York City Housing Authority, and the Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation. The program is also offered as a 7-week summer module.

"My city is full of people, just like in New York...I would love to know more!"Mumbai participant, 9 years old
"It makes me feel good when other people learn about my community."New York City participant, 11 years old
"This program was one more step for my students believing that they matter and that everything they do in life affects others as well. Thank you for the program, which enabled my students to participate in such a positive, active, and responsible way."Teacher from Ljubljana, Slovenia
This program was developed by New York City Global Partners, Inc., the nonprofit organization that connects the Mayor’s Office of the City of New York to cities around the world.
Email: gpjunior@cityhall.nyc.gov Online: www.nyc.gov/globalpartners/youth